Saturday, January 19, 2008

He kind of brought up the topic of wanting me to leave the sport some time ago. It wasn't straight on. He just expressed that he is getting more worried with me training and spotting. And I got his hint.

And I couldn't argue cos he had his reasons.

I have been getting more injuries and bruises than before. It is hard trying to hide them from him, since we spend so much time together. I've been trying to hide them from my brother though, cos I know how worried he would be if he knew about the injuries. And I dun want him to approach my parents cos of that.

It is hard to explain to them that I need to spot those kids cos I'm responsible for their safety as a coach. As for my teammates, I'm responsible too as a captain. I can't just stand aside and watch them fall. Esp now that they are running routine and there are only that many spotters. Safety is important, and it is even more so when HO is approaching, and we cannot afford injuries in the team now.