Saturday, February 16, 2008

Count Down: 24 days

SKM Cheer Competition (prelim) is less than a month away.

I'm feeling the pressure already. Actually, I felt the pressure WAY back in Jan.

First, there are the J1s.
Foundation takes the longest time. Though I have no time to spare, I have to make sure these freshies, at the very least, master shoulder-sit and shoulder-stand, in order to be able to contribute to the team in SKM competition.

A few of the J1s are learning pretty fast. Certainly have potential.

The J2s might not understand why I'm spending time on the J1s. But if their juniors can't even give them the minimum requirement of a shoulder-sit/stand, then the seniors should just join the competition with their previous strength of 7.

I do have plans for the seniors.
But some of them are not being consistent.
Some of them are not giving me what I know they are capable of.
Some of them think that they are ready for higher level stunts.
Some of them doubt their own abilities.
Some of them are not working hard enough.
Some of them overwork and hurt themselves.

So far, I'm confident that they can give me 1 basket-toss, 1 pyramid, 3 chairs, 2 torches and 1 single base. I'm working on 1 pyramid, and hopefully, 2 more single bases. Oh, and I need them to get the twist right.

As usual, I need them to play with transitions. I have thought of quite a few transitions. Pretty sure they can carry them off. Just need a bit more work.

So much to do, so little time.