Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Reali OUCH Fall

I had a real nasty fall during training on Tuesday. It was REAL nasty.
Basically I landed head first and did a little back flip and landed hard on my back.

Ouch factor 1:
My left shoulder (luckily it wasn't my head) landed first and hit REAL hard on the mats.

Ouch factor 2:
When I was flipped over, the lower half of my body (luckily my body was twisted so the impact was on my left butt, and not my spine) slammed on the ground, hard.

Ouch factor 3:
The part of the ground on which my lower body landed on was not covered with mats.

Ouch factor 4:
I fell near the wall and my legs (luckily not my head or my face) slammed on to the wall.

Ouch factor 5:
The wall surface was not smooth.

Luckily, I didn't get any other gals to do it, so I was the only one injured. I do have to admit that I neglected some safety issues before doing a stunt. You can say that I deserved it. Still, I didn't expect to be scolded, RIGHT AFTER I pulled myself up from that pathetic state I landed into (literally).

Usually, right after a fall, no matter how painful it is, as long as I can manage the strength to stand up, I would do so. If I don't get up, the team will most prob stay around me. If they stay around me, then they will have less time to do their stunts. Plus they will worry. So I always try to get up as soon as possible. But it doesn't mean that I'm totali ok, or that I've recovered from the shock. And it certainly doesn't mean I'm ready for harsh words.

Plus, I didn't think I could do something xtra during training BECOS I'm a certified coach or a senior. And I certainly did not think that I have more rights just becos I have a cert now. It was not as if I constantly have the cert in my mind. It was simply an innocent try of a stunt that we had done so many times (ya I know, I know, the difference was, I missed out a spotter).

My shoulders are still hurting from the fall. And my left butt feels sore. I'm getting old; don't think I can take anymore such falls.